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Barcode: 9343070000008

Clinidet is the perfect detergent for Manual and Ultrasonic Cleaning. Australia and New Zealand's leading clinical detergent specially formulated to meet the requirements of AS/NZS 4187 & AS/NZS 4815 for optimal Infection Control. Excellent wetting (detergency) across a broad temperature range. Excellent wetting (detergency) across a broad temperature range

Very low foaming under dynamic conditions even at ambient temperature

Corrosion inhibitor incorporated into the formulation

Mild alkaline formulation

Improved performance in hard water

No irritating or hazardous ingredients

Excellent in systems operating under dynamic conditions where continuous, rapid surface-interface formation requires quick migration of surfactant to effect good wetting.

Highly efficient cleaner for the removal of organic substances especially blood, proteins, fats & lipids

Powerful as a cleaner yet gentle to high quality instruments & equipment

Mild alkaline formulation greatly improves the solubilisation of proteins & fats compared with neutral detergents

Overcomes hard water problems in rural areas

Safe and effective with "mist" free applicator

Safe to store & transport

Ideal for use on:

Surgical Instruments, Dental Instruments, Surgical Tables & Chairs, Benchtops, Tiles, Walls & Floors, Environment

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